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How to Manage Probate Costs In South Carolina

How to Manage Probate Costs In South Carolina
An interview with Eleanor Washburn

How to Manage Probate Costs In South Carolina

Brad Woodall:

“A lot of people can’t afford probate, so they avoid it entirely, which causes more problems down the road. Are there ways to alleviate that cost? Do you offer payment plans?”

Eleanor Washburn:

“Yes, sometimes I do offer payment plans, especially when there’s no cash in the estate upfront. And there are often resources in your community, like pro bono programs, if you truly can’t afford an attorney. We have a few different programs here in Charleston, and you can usually find similar programs through your State Bar Association.

It’s surprising how often people don’t probate because they don’t understand the need for it. They think, ‘I’m the executor, I can just sell it,’ or they don’t realize the importance of keeping the chain of title clear. We even have a special program here in Charleston to help families straighten out their titles and keep their land in the family.”

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